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start with strengths

Sarah Draper

This is week 5 of our 6-week look into sustainable performance. Last week, we talked about getting your guide - whether that's a person, plan, program, map, or something else - so you can start to see your steps moving forward towards your goal.

🔑 This week, we're going to identify your strengths and start there. Why? 

1) you're more likely to continue if you're using what comes effortlessly to you

2) your strengths are energizing for you to use

3) they are essential to who you are

There are a lot of ways to identify your strengths. I'm a big fan of VIA (Values in Action) due to its positive psychology foundation, evidence basis, and accessibility (it's a non-profit so is very affordable). If you're interested, here's the link:

(There are a lot of other strength finders that you might be familiar with or have done, so you're welcome to use those results, too.)

Another option is the Reflected Best Self Exercise, originally from the University of Michigan and outlined in an article by Laura Morgan Roberts (summarized here The RBSE helps you identify who you are at your best. 

Even simpler still is an inquiry I often ask people I'm working with: if I were to talk with someone who knows you well and ask them to brag about you, what three things would they tell me?  

Any of these will help you identify who you are at your best. These strengths should become your source of energy and effort to help you work sustainably towards your goal.

Next week is my final post in this series. Please check back for an oft-overlooked key to sustainable performance!

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