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Pick your line

When mountain biking recently, I was reminded of a technique that mountain bikers (as well as skiers and probably others) use: picking your line. The idea is to look where you want to go, rather than staring down what you want to avoid. Our body follows our mind which follows our gaze. In biking (or skiing, or shooting, or soccer, or many other things), if you look at what you want to avoid, you'll end up right there - at what you wanted to avoid. So set your sights on what you want to achieve. Keep looking forward towards your next goal and then when you're starting to get there, look forward again to the next. In coaching, we work with you to set your long-term vision - where you want to get to - and then your goals to get there. Yes, of course you should be aware of things that can trip you up, but you want to focus on your positive steps you'll take more than what you want to avoid. Long term, this has tremendous impact, too. Seven years ago, my husband and I set our eleven-year plan - where we wanted to be and what we wanted to be doing when our kids hit a certain point. Every decision we've made reflects back to that plan - financial, jobs, health, fitness, parenting. We use it to keep ourselves and each other accountable and on track. Pick your line - whether it's a short-term goal or a long-term strategy, your mind follows your gaze.

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