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I’m in Portland for my daughter’s soccer games this weekend. After an especially nerve-wracking drive in yesterday, I went to bed early, eager to run this morning in the park nearby our old house. We left here 17 years ago, so when I pulled into the parking lot, there were some new structures, and it took a moment to orient myself. Once I started on the trail, though, it was as if my feet had never left.

This got me thinking about how embedded certain experiences are in our lives. This morning, it was familiar sounds, smells, colors, and terrain. I’d run and walked these trails hundreds of times and I felt as if little time had passed (besides adding 2 min/mile to my pace!)

As we go through life, we get the chance to impact others with each interaction. Some of those marks will be deep – like a well-worn trail that no matter how much change happens, is just engrained in us. This can happen through repetition, but it can also happen through a single, powerful interaction. Good or not, we are all shaped by the people we meet.

Likewise, we’re also a part of everyone we meet. Knowing that, let your words and actions lift them up and support them. We never truly know what’s going on in someone else’s life, and the power of your interaction can stay with them a lot longer than you may ever expect.

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